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Start as you mean to go on....


With one son sitting his A levels and another sitting his GCSE's this year the coming months are going to be stressfull whether I like it or not!

But I want to start the new year organised, energised, focused and calm so I have a longer list of New Year's resolutions than the usual 'must get to the gym more often'. Actually I gave up my Nufield Health membership last september and other than not seeing my gym friends I haven't missed it at all. Instead I've started a slim down yoga pilates blend at home and jog or walk briskly with the dog for an hour. My weight remains the same as it was with the gym membership so I'm doing fine..

Anyway back to the resolutions. This is my plan to survive two teenagers and their exam stress in 2015.


1. Get Up Earlier - On tuesdays I have to drop the GCSE son at Molesey Boat Club to train before school at 6am. Although I dread tuesday mornings, when they actually come I get so much more done as I'm up over an hour before my other three children and husband wake. I can get 45 mins of yoga/pilates & four lunches made before the breakfast onslaught. Although I'd be exhausted doing this every day I do intend to get up early three or four times a week.


2. Exercise - I've already discussed my new regime and intend to have a taught, toned stomach and bottom by the Easter holidays. Exercise helps relieve stress, gives you confidence and a positive outlook. I never fail to feel better after exercise.


3. Eat breakfast - As a health conscious woman I am always embarrased if I'm asked what I eat for breakfast because the honest answer is 'two or three bourbon biscuits'. It's very unhealthy I know but when I'm making four packed lunches and overseeing breakfast I just run out of time. But as I'm getting up earlier I should have enough time to fit in a bowl of porridge or Shreddies and hot milk.

4. Make lists - I used to make lists all the time and miss the satisfaction you gain from ticking off all those jobs that get forgotten unless written down. Things like taking a dress to the dry cleaners, sewing on a Pony Cub badge, booking the dentist or a kids haircut. Lists are also great for ideas for family days out. How many times do you have an unexpected free day to do something with the whole family and can't think of anything exciting? Well just look at the list and choose one. It also serves as a reminder of what you've done. My younger kids are great at saying 'we never do anything'. I'll just point to the list and show them how many great things we've done together.


5. Be positive - I really want to try and hold my breath for the count of ten and say something in a more positive way when I find out one of the children has lost something, not finished homework, lied or done one of the things which makes me launch into full nagging mode. Obviously they will have to face the consequences of their actions but I'm sure I can go about it in a more efficient way than droning on and on whilst they roll their eyes and tune out.

6. Communicate - I'm terrible for feeling disappointed because something hasn't been done the way I would have liked because i didn't communicate my needs clearly in the first place. This is partly about growing up and at 43 I should definitely be grown up enough to make myself understood rather than trying not to upset anyone and giving vague instructions which end with 'well I'm sure you don't need me telling you how to do your job' and then finding out that actually they really did!


7. Do something creative - I'm far from a great artist but I used to love painting and drawing. I'm in the process of signing up for a life drawing class which I've wanted to do for ages. (Esher Green Adult Education run heaps of courses)


8. Entertain more - We moved house just over a year ago and took on a huge project so inviting friends to dinner with the floorboards up and huge cracks in the wall from the rewiring was tricky. This is going to be the year of inviting friends and thanking them for inviting us throughout last year. Yotam Ottolengi's beautiful book 'Plenty' is goingt o be put to good use in 2015.

Autumn Fruit Picking 


If sloes are proving difficult to find there are still plenty of blackberries about.


Have a look at Garson Farm's website ( to see what seasonal fruits and vegetables are ready for picking.



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